On September 21 was the International World Peace Day and to celebrate it, Gabriel Benderski designed a symbol depicting the world peace. Then, Gabriel invited 33 artists from 15 countries to design a poster expressing their own vision of the world peace symbol.
An exhibition will take place on October 3 at 5:30 PM at the DelPlata Office, at a coworking center in the center of Montevideo where friends and family will be invited to celebrate and reflect this maximum ideal of freedom and happiness.
The organizers intend to make an official auction of the posters on the last day of the exhibition (October 11) where all the collected money will be donated to the school No. 210 Petrona Viera, a special public school for the intellectually disabled.
Participating Countries:
Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Greece, Ireland, Jamaica, Peru, Poland, Spain, United States, Uruguay and Venezuela.
Participating Designers:
Agnieszka Ziemiszewska, Poland; Alejandro Urrutia, Uruguay; Aleksandra Hoffer, Poland; Alfredo Parada Larrosa, Argentina; Augusto Guissi, Uruguay; Berch Kotogian, Uruguay; Blair Thomson, Canada; Eduardo Tunni, Argentina; Fabián Bicco, Uruguay; Felipe Andres Estay Miller, Chile; Gabriel Benderski, Uruguay; Gustavo Wojciechowski, Uruguay; Isidro Ferrer, Spain; Janusz Bieliński, Poland; Juan Villanueva, Peru; Lisa Mazur, United States; Marcela Romero y Pablo Cosgaya, Argentina; Martin Piñeyro, Uruguay; Max Phillips, Ireland; Miriam Martincic, United States; Rosana Malaneschii, Uruguay; Sofía Bastos, Uruguay; Varvara Tokareva, Poland; Andre Hutchinson, Jamaica; Azul Gattas, Uruguay; Kasia Kubacha, Poland; Lautaro Hourcade, Uruguay; Maria Papaefstathiou, Greece; Mario Fuentes, Ecuador; Pablo Delcan, Spain; Luís Carlos Rodríguez, Dominican Republic; Sara De Graeve, Belgium; Yabel Guerra, Venezuela.
Below you can see some of the posters.