April 27 marks the World Day of Design, the date established in the year 1995 by Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations). World Graphics Day is an opportunity to recognize the graphic design and its role in the world, is also the way to celebrate the birthday of Icograda, founded in 1963.
In Durango, Mexico celebrated the day in their own way, producing posters that communicate the pleasure and enjoyment that our profession gives us. Pepo Almonte created the group I LOVE DESIGN so to call for entries designers from all over the world to participate and celebrate with them this great event! The participation was great.
We gathered only 61 posters to show you in this post, but if you wish to see more, please visit the group on facebook, I LOVE DESIGN. The order shown here is random. Click on images to visit their designers. Hope you Enjoy it. Happy Birthday Design!