Iranian graphic artist Hossein Mohammadi Vahidi has been awarded at the AGDIE 2014 edition of the Asian International Poster held in South Korea.
Mohammadi Vahidi received the Bronze Medal of the event for his poster Idea In main.
The AGDIE 2014 Grand award went to Russian artist Peter Bankov And Gold Medal To Yingxi Zhou and Silver Medal To Ole A.H.Truderung.
Mohammadi Vahidi’s works were showcased at the professional section of the event which is dedicated to printed and published posters. The judges of this Award consist of Finn Neygaard, Fons Hickmann, Coo fang, Erich Brechbuhi, Eduard Cehovin and Faldin Alexander. The award was held under the auspices of Icograda IDA, International Council Of Design.