Laura Serra,is an illustrator, graphic designer and translator living in Berlin. This is a selection of her lettering illustrations. 0 likes
Simple is beautiful…
Arcano Type
In a project a little reminiscent of Miles Newlyn’s work for Unilever, graphic designer Giuseppe Salerno of Valencia-based Resistenza spent the past four months producing Arcano Type. “Arcano was born…
A collection of typefaces
An amazing collection created by Graphic Designer Andreas Leonidou during 2009- 2010. 0 likes
Creative Review – CR Type Annual: the winners
Typefaces for schools, tattooists, magazines and museums all feature in first Type Annual, with winning designs from as far afield as Chile, New Zealand, Argentina and Israel. Congratulations to all….
Derek Long. An extremely tough work ethic designer
Derek Long, a graphic designer with an extremely tough work ethic that is hard to much, as he always make sure the job is done perfectly! He is a current…
When typography becomes the mean to advertise your product!
When your photograph don’t have a story to tell, make your project the subject of your illustration. – David Ogilvy. … and make your Typography the mean to illustrate your…
"Architects, painters, sculptors, we must all return to crafts! For there is no such thing as “professional art”
“There is no essential difference between the artist and the craftsman. The artist is an exalted craftsman. By the grace of Heaven and in rare moments of inspiration which transcend…