Derek Long. An extremely tough work ethic designer

Derek Long, a graphic designer with an extremely tough work ethic that is hard to much, as he always make sure the job is done perfectly! He is a current junior learning every aspect of typography, animation, graphic design, and digital media design that will benefit himself as well as the future job endeavors, clients, and companies. His art is excellent and we love it. Here is a sample of his great work. Enjoy!

Typography is Tedious

This is a Derek’s type study inspired by Alex Trochut and his Comm. Arts type illustration. Process took about 3 and half weeks to complete, each line within the letter was carefully placed and recreated until he was satisfied. Original Dimensions are 24″ x 36″.

“Dream Big” Poster

This is a type study poster Derek did in his free time. It involves simple yet digitally created line work to create the letterforms.

The Gathering Book Cover

This project was a book cover redesign which was created in Neil Ashby’s Typography class at CCAD. Derek says about his work:

The Gathering is what I chose and in reading this book I pulled out the impact of the family separation and incorporated that into the “G” on the front cover. I took a chunk of this g out to connect the viewer with an incomplete form that directly related the bulk of the story. The color palette is simple yet engaging and it effectively gained much positive feedback.


This is Derek’s personal type study that read ” Freefall into and Artists’ Mind”. He felt this phrase fit the graphic nature of the poster in direct relation with the complexities of the curves within the composition. Original dimension ( 15.5″ x 30″ ).


Typographers Book

The Typographers book was designed at the Corcoran College of Art & Design for the Typography III class under the direction of Francheska Guerrero. Concept was to choose two typographers or type foundries and write a 4 page book set in 9pt type single spaced.
Using the body copy of the written language, design a book with a rhythm structure, (i.e. ABCABC ), and implement that into your spreads. Derek chose to write and design the book about Otl Aicher, who designed the Rotis typeface, and House Industries.

Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (

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