Graphic Designers in Latin America | Part 1


Latin America, has a long historical tradition producing a unique form of graphic expression for decades. Art is everywhere in the streets, with street and stencil art that cover buildings in Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina. Powerful strong like it’s people. Colorful, tantalizing, expressional. The first part of “Graphic Designers in Latin America” presentation includes six of 12 great artists whose works has been featured and awarded international.


Alejandro Magallanes (México)

Alejandro Magallanes is an internationally recognized artist and designer from Mexico City, graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Artes Plasticas (UNAM) and works as independent graphic designer since 1994. He has designed over 400 posters which have been exhibited international such as Paris, Osaka, Barcelona, and he has received awards in Warsaw, Mexico and Kharkov.

His posters have been seen in galleries and museums around the world. He formed different poster groups like: El Cartel de Medellin, La Corriente Electrica and Fuera de Registro who fight for peace and justice, for the Zapatistas and the Women of Juarez.


Benito Cabañas (México)

Benito Cabañas has a degree in design from the Universidad de las Américas – Puebla in Mexico. He has worked as director of Abracadabra, a studio comprised of young Mexican designers, his work consists of providing integrated solutions. First established in Puebla, Mx. the company now also has a studio in Marseille Fr.


Eréndida Mancilla (México)

Graphic designer from Mexico, specialized in poster design, typography and theory about graphic design.


Lourdes Zolezzi (México)

Lourdes Zolezzi was born in Mexico City, Mexico. Graduated with a BA in Graphic Communication Design from the Metropolitan Autonomous University, Mexico City.

Her work experience includes a collaboration with the National Council of Fine Arts, Mexico. She has worked as an Art Director for prominent advertising agencies in Mexico City.
Her personal work include cultural and social projects on subjects such as violence, hunger and children’s rights.
Mrs. Zolezzi work has been published on books like: All Men Are Brothers, China, 2006; New Masters of Poster Design, E.U.A., 2006; LEVE PLAKATEN! (CELEBRATING THE POSTER!), Aarhus, Denmark, 2004. Her work has been featured on magazines like Computer Arts, UK; OTOT Magazine, Tel-Aviv, Israel; and HOW Magazine, USA, among others.
Her work has been exhibited in countries like: Slovakia, USA, Bulgaria, Korea, Czech Republic, China, Poland, Italy, Russia, Japan.
Mrs. Zolezzi received awards as the 2002 Computer Art Biennial third place, Rzeszów, Poland; the 2002 Quorum Award, Mexico City; the 2001 Philippe Apeloig prize, Ningbo, China;
the 2003 Stambecco D’Oro, International Nature Film Festival third place, Valle d’Aosta, Italy; and 1999 National Poster Contest “The girls and boys rights” first place, Mexico City.


Osvaldo Gaona (Mexico)

Graphic designer and illustrator who graduated from the Autonomous University of Puebla, is director of Mareavisual design firm and is a teacher and Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Design A. C, Built to BUAP. He has won several national and international awards in the field of design, has been selected for poster biennial and triennial in Bolivia, Peru, Japan, Belgium, Poland, China, Mexico, Zimbabwe, USA, Ukraine, Finland, Italy, Russia, Iran, Korea, Slovakia, among others and his work appears in several books and national and international publications. He has given lectures, workshops and classes in different universities in Mexico and abroad.


Diego Bermúdez (Colombia)

Diego Bermúdez, is a Colombian graphic designer, professor at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, consultant of the “Bogota Innova” (Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá) and Inexmoda, Colombia. Linked to Amnesty International (UK), Icograda (Canada), Design History Society (UK), Society for News Design, USA), Trama Visual (Mexico), Historia of Design Foundation (Spain), Open Design Alliance (EE . States.) Coidigra (Venezuela), Cidyc (Argentina) and Academic Network Design (Colombia). Speaker and workshop in different parts of the world, his work has been exhibited and reviewed in Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Spain, USA, France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Uruguay and Venezuela. Selected books in “Latin American Graphic Design”, Taschen (2008), “A Tribute to celebrities”, Index Book (2008), “Design School Confidential”, Rockport (2009), “Experimental Patterns”, Rockport (2010); “Type Sketchbook”, Thames and Hudson (2011) and “Elements Color Design Fundamentals”, Rockport (2011). Council member R & Design Magazine (Spain). Co-author of “The social poster from Latin America”​​, UN (2010).

Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (

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