GLOB-ALL MIX : The Green Economy and Poverty Eradication. Rio-1992 – Rio+20. The Evolution | 30 New Posters by 30 Distinguished Graphic Designers


In the graphic universe there isn’t doubt that the poster, whatever it’s shape, is the noblest and most direct way that a designer or an artist can use to manifest. The poster, over the centuries, has always played an absolute function, popular, didactic, informational and promotional.
Felipe Taborda


In the 1992, in Rio de Janeiro, a wonderful project took place. A poster design and numerous exhibitions on theme “30 posters to environment and Development” were 30 world recognized graphic designers were called to design for the safe and awareness of our earth. The exhibition would take place during the Rio-92 on Modern Art Museum of Rio de Janeiro and simultaneously in all the capitals of Brazil, and on 25 cities around the world and on ONU’s head office in New York and Genebra.
Official gift of Itamaraty on Rio-92, delivered to all world leaders and international delegations. Mobilization of the most prestigious design schools universities of the country and the world took place and major international journals in graphic design talked and shared about it.  Also, the amazing posters – illustrated stories of the Rio-92 were featured in the world’s leading newspapers and magazines such as Time (USA) and Form (Germany).
See below those fantastic posters of 1992.!

How design affected people’s awareness after 20 years, did we achieved any development? How did design changed through the years?

20 years later, with focus of Rio+20 at theme: “The Green economy and poverty eradication”, the new edition of project will show the theme Sustainable Development. Once more, 30 recognized graphic designers from around the world were called to design 30 new posters.  The exhibition opening will be at the Botanical Garden in Rio de Janeiro, among with a series of conferences at Tom Jobim Theater. The exhibitions will take place on principal capital of Brazil and on 25 cities in the world, and Greece will be one of them.
The book “Glob-All Mix the evolution of Graphic Design and Sustainability in 20 years” will show the signs of the two editions, Rio-92 and Rio+20 and the main social and environmental achievements of humanity. The Official Gift, the host city of Rio+20 to all delegations and world leaders.

Below you can see the amazing posters that were designed and will be exhibited in Botanical Garden on 24th June to 15th July, and International in cities where designers live guests – Europe, USA, Latin America, Africa and Asia, also in Greece, on 20th June, along with the opening of Rio+20 Conference week were Tom Jobim will show at the Theater, Botanical Garden on 25th to 29th June.


ALEMANHA – Gunter Rambow


ARGENTINA – Herman Berdichevsky


AUSTRALIA – Mark Gowing


BRASIL – Andre Stolarski


BRASIL – Barbara Szaniecki


BRASIL – Christiano Menezes


BRASIL – Fabio Arruda


BRASIL – Kiko Farkas


CHINA – Fang Chen


COLOMBIA – Diego Bermudez


CUBA – Pepe_Menezes


DINAMARCA – Gitte Kath


EQUADOR – Esteban Salgado


ESPANHA – Isidro Ferrer


FINLANDIA – Pekka Loiri


FRANCA – Alan Le Quernec


INDIA – Jamila Varawala


INGLATERRA – Jonathan Barnbrook


IRAN – Mehdi Saeedi


ISRAEL – David Tartakover


JAPAN – Takashi Akiyama


MEXICO – Alejandro Magallanes


PARAGUAI – Celeste Prieto


POLONIA – Michal Batory


PORTUGAL – Lizá Ramalho


RUSSIA – Vladimir Chaika


URUGUAI – Fidel Sclavo


USA – Paul Sahre


ZIMBABWE – Saki Mafundikwa

The book will celebrate the poster collection of Rio-92 and the Rio+20, comparing the look of two generations of graphic artists about the sustainability theme. Analyses concepts and ideas behind the work presented. Will feature quotes and texts of world leaders in sustainability to raise our inspiration and awareness. Also, a timeline, illustrating the main changes in the last 20 years towards sustainability and the great achievements of humanity in the social and environmental. Final, we will read relevant information about the central concept of the project: the search for a more sustainable path for the world.

THE DESIGNERS of GLOB-ALL MIX for 2012 were:
Alain le Quernec (France)
Alejandro Magallanes (Mexico)
André Stolarski (Brazil)
Bárbara SzanieCki (Brazil)
Celeste Prieto (Paraguay)
Christiano Menezes (Brazil)
David Tartakover (Israel)
Diego Bermúdez (Colombia)
Esteban Salgado (Ecuador)
Fabio Arruda (Brazil)
Fang Chen (China)
Fidel Sclavo (Uruguay)
Gitte Kath (Denmark)
Gunter Rambow (Germany)
Hernán Berdichevsky (Argentina)
Isidro Ferrer (Spain)
Jamila Varawala (India)
Jonathan Barnbrook (England)
Kiko Farkas (Brazil)
Lizá Ramalho (Portugal)
Mark Gowing (Australia)
Mehdi SaeeDi (Iran)
Michal Batory (Poland)
Paul Sahre (USA)
Pekka Loiri (Finland)
Pepe Menéndez (Cuba)
Saki Mafundikwa (Zimbabwe)
Sandra Monterroso (Guatemala)
Takashi Akiyama (Japan)
Vladimir Chaika (Russia)

Congratulations to all !!!!

Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (

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