Andrew Cachia is a young, upcoming talented graphic designer and illustrator coming from the tiny island of Malta.
Andrew’s main inspiration is coming from his surroundings, colours and vibrance of the island he lives on. He takes time to observe others work and that gives him the fuel and energy to improve himself. Andrew’s illustrations are mostly based on a concept or theme which he wants to get across to the viewer. Generally these feature happiness, bold colours, positivity and humor, which Andrew believes “are the key elements to make a viewer love, remember and look for more of your work”.
Working as a designer since 2005 and form part of Panda, a boutique brand design studio in Malta, running with his brother, focusing on branding, print, web and illustration design.
Andrew Cachia says “I feel I still need to learn loads of stuff and different styles and would like to improve my Illustration and design skills to the max 🙂 My dream is to dedicate more time to Illustrations, art, design and typography and different printing techniques like screen printing and stencils and maybe set up a proper studio one day”. I believe he is not far away from his dream with such a talent. What do you think?
Well Done. fabulous work 🙂