To celebrate the life of the late Nelson Mandela, a group of South African designers and colleagues set out to collect 95 exceptional posters from around the world, honouring Madiba’s lifelong contribution to humanity. They did this in 2013, the year Madiba would have had his 95th birthday.
Working as volunteers, together with a network of collaborators around the world, they called this effort the Mandela Poster Project, and they became known as the Mandela Poster Project Collective (MPPC).
MPPC have shown the 95 posters in roving exhibitions around the world since then. They sold the master set for R1 million ($100 000 at the time) and donated the money to the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital – a lifelong dream of South Africa’s revered former president.
This year sees the celebration of what would have been Nelson Mandela’s 100th birthday and the MPPC is planning to use the posters in a special project.
They’ve launched a Kickstarter campaign to raise $10 000 to print 1000 copies of I have an Idea: Be Like Madiba, an A5 journal that they’re creating for the young patients at the Nelson Mandela Children’s Hospital. The journal includes all 95 posters from the globetrotting Mandela Poster Project.
I have an idea: Be like Madiba will be their book to use in any way they like.
So, MPPC is making a special plea for you to help raise $10 000 to print 1000 journals and inspire 1000 kids to #BeLikeMadiba.
Ready to make a pledge? Visit the Kickstarter page at to learn more.