Limmie. The Magazine for Creative Professionals!


I’m proud to introduce you the new issue (5) of Limmie magazine. Limmie is a new inspiring magazine publishing in Indonesia. I was very happy when Ezzro Nababan, the publisher, wanted to interview me (Maria Papaefstathiou) and my partner Michael Thompson aka Freestylee, and to share with our readers about his magazine.

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the new issue of Limmie, both from Indonesia and around the world through our website. This is the biggest celebration of creativity from Indonesia and all over the world, and everyone is free to see it and feel it. It is a lifelong inspiration.

Hello Ezzro, please tell us, why publish another magazine on creativity?

For several years I have noticed that creativity is something that is fun and cool for everyone, but many people are making it very tedious and it made me want to make something different for everyone. Through Limmie, I tried to make a new change that could provide a high-quality publication, cool, elegant, and very enjoyable for everyone. This is one reason other than my concern to see that the unavailability of a creative space for young designers/artists and creative professionals in Indonesia to be known and recognizable by Indonesia and the rest of the world. And through the creative publication in Limmie, I offer reward, recognition, and a creative space for creative people, creative professionals, creative practitioners and especially young designers/artists from Indonesia and all over the world.

How do you believe Limmie will benefit the design community?

Creativity is not just talking about education, in which case everyone did not depart from a well renowned University in Indonesia or other countries. Honestly,  creativity is beyond all that, when Da Vinci, Disney, Steve Jobs, Ub and I worry not or talk too much about “education” related to the creativity, but they speak to a whole new experience for everyone, where they can feel it and see it directly from a variety of creative experiences around the world in a powerful unity. Through Limmie, I provide this new ways and an extremely innovative publication, different from what is done by others. Where you will find creative experiences and creative lives that is continuously providing creative inspiration for your life. This is a new opportunity for the design community to become widely known and find recognizable artists through publications in Limmie.

What are the impressions you had so far from the Limmiers

Let me share some quotes from Limmiers, here:

When I saw the Limmie Magazine I found it really powerful and I loved the clean design and the designers you feature. I thought this is a fantastic magazine that everyone must have to their library, it is an ultimate source of inspiration! – Maria Papaefstathiou, International graphic designer and blogger of GRaphicART-news

When you come to Limmie, look at everything with fresh eyes. Look what you can learn and what inspiration you can gain. Look at new people to add on Facebook or Twitter. New contacts, and new people who you can work with. It doesn’t matter if these people are in Indonesia or anywhere else. The world is small, and everyone is connected. Find inspiration in each artists, each photographer, each designer. Limmie is a magazine for everyone to learn and get inspired. It has a long way to go and it’s exciting to see it grow, change, and evolve. Welcome to the influence. – Joe Fletcher, Associate Creative Director at Frog Design.

Limmie Magazine has a lot of potential to reach greater heights around the globe. The articles are well written and Ezzro is at his best to put everything together. It is something one wants to pickup and read. Being interviewed by Limmie Magazine and having my work featured for possible inclusion, is to make use of the results for the marketing and promotion of my design efforts. I always want to show what has been happening in India on the design front to the world. – Chaiti Mehta, Design Director of CHAITI MEHTA DESIGN

Limmie is a gathering place — the real strength of the brand will be in the story, and how it is told. Building that sense of community, relationships and sharing will be crucial to the success of the collective. – Tim Girvin, founder of GIRVIN, Inc., is recognized internationally as a designer, writer, illustrator, photographer and calligrapher.

Definitely! I dont know a lot about Indonesia because (unfortunately) Im on the other side of the world, but I think Limmie will be a great source of information for creatives for years to come! – Thomas Bishop, UX/Product Designer at Charitabli

I like Limmie Magazine! Its new, its fresh and a wonderful inspiration for young artists! Oh and I love the colour of your magazine. Green is one my fav! – Martha, Photographer and Hair & Makeup Artist from Pixel Lounge Studio

Limmie Magazine has the potential to provide a diversity of readings related to design, creativity and creativepreneurship in Indonesia. Hopefully Limmie Magazine is able to provide constructive inspiration for Indonesian designers, and able to help elevation professions designers in Indonesia became more dignified. – Danton Sihombing, Managing Director & CEO at Inkara-Brand Design Consultants

What should we expect for the next issue?

The next issue is a challenge for me to give a new feeling and new experiences. Everything is already in my mind and my imagination go wild when talking about the new issue of Limmie. Sometimes I can not stop doing everything in details but I love it. In 2013, the new issue of Limmie will be more attractive, elegant, cool and very informative supported by a variety of talented artists from Indonesia and all over the world. I work hard beyond the limits of a human being, I felt that I had entered a new stage in my creativity to prepare and publish a new issue of Limmie. You will see in the next issue in 2013. Viva La Limmiers!

Letter from one of the Creative Advisors to Limmie, Charis Tsevis

A celebration of creatives from the small village called Earth. This is what Limmie looks like to me. A colorful and cheerful fiesta where creative people meet, present themselves and learn from each other. It’s almost as though they dance with strangers and make new friends.
There are no restrictions at the party. No age, gender, nationality or educational level stops the Limmiers. You can find the young illustrator from Sukoharjo, Indonesia next to the politically active Jamaican poster maker. You can read the story about the Serbian industrial designer and see the designs of the Lithuanian graphic designer. You can enjoy the photos of a young girl from South Italy and find the cultural ties that connect her with that Greek girl who is designing her hopes for her homeland.

Limmie is a beautiful occasion where people come and go, form relationships and enjoy friendships. I am happy that I’ve been a part of the initiative and am looking forward to meeting the newcomers at every issue.

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Maria Papaefstathiou

VISUAL DESIGNER since 1996 and blogger since 2010. Living in Athens, Greece. She has been focusing her research on poster design and particularly on social poster design and portrait design. Her main poster project is a series of posters celebrating great personalities of traditional and popular culture in Greece and Jamaica. These include actors, singers, musicians, poets etc. This is an ongoing project. “I believe that design is a powerful tool that we designers can use to spark enthusiasm, change mindsets and bring positive actions to our world and our culture”. FOUNDER AND EDITOR OF GRAPHICART-NEWS.COM BLOG. She carefully curates high-quality designs, illustrations, and art, from all over the world that will teach and provoke other designers. Many consider her blog to be an exceptional educational tool. CO-FOUNDER OF THE INTERNATIONAL REGGAE POSTER CONTEST which was launched on December 2011, partnering, the creative activist Michael Thompson aka Freestylee. (


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