Six Word Story Every Day (SWSED) was created by the designer Anne Ulku, and the writer Van Horgen, in 2010, when they created a daily storytelling exploration through language and typography. It was inspired by the work Ernest Hemingway regarded as his greatest: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
All 365 stories have been archived here: and on Flickr
The creative community keeps SWSED alive by giving to other designers the opportunity to create their own stories.View and enjoy some excellent works here.
Children don’t even celebrate birthdays anymore. Writer/Designer: Damien W. Green |
The days I had with you. Writer: inspired by Kings of Convenience Designer: Dave Foster |
One for all. All for one. Writer/Designer: Erik Brandt |
One of you shall unfriend me. Writer/Designer: Erik Brandt & Elisabeth Workman |
Got too drunk, awoke with pig. Writer: Jonathan Saxby Designer: Alister Buss |
The paper killed my pet rock. Writer/Designer: David Schwen |
Eating the last sandwich on earth. Writer: Betsy Collins Designer: Sergio Monterrubio |
Kerning can make all the difference. Writer/Designer: Stephen Floyd |
Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Writer: inspired by Brett Gurewitz Designer: Simon Ålander |
More impossible than staying? Leaving. Sigh. Writer: Kate O’Reilly Designer: Jeffrey Martin |
So this wasn’t a theme party? Writer: Mike Derus Designer: Anne Ulku |
Find safety in vogue. Just copy. Writer/Designer: Terry Dee |
Gods are restricted in this economy. Writer: Paul Lovasco Designer: Liz Noftle |
For more info: Six Word Story Every Day