Los Angeles based illustrator Patrick Hruby has created a new series of work based on an unpublished short story titled “The Archipelago,” written by his boyfriend Seth Stewart. “The Archipelago” tells the story of a strange phenomenon called “The Forgetting” affecting the chain of islands that make up the archipelago. In order to prevent The Forgetting, each island tells a tale to preserve its artifacts, history, and memory. Patrick illustrates this story beautifully with his signature use of punchy colors and geometric forms, creating his interpretations of islands, its wayward inhabitants, and their belongings.
These illustrations are also the subject of a new show at the Culture Fix gallery in New York City, opening next Tuesday, February 15th running till March 13th. If you happen to be in or around the area, be sure to check out Patrick’s new work in person. Can’t make it out to the show? Not to fret! Patrick’s work is also available for view at his website.
Source: grain edit