“The signs of life” is a new series of work made by Touraj Saberivand, matching different traffic signs to concepts of life in a minimal concept. As Dieter Rams quoted one of the rules of Good Design, “As little design as possible”.
What we call minimal today has little to do with what minimalism meant during the sixties. They wanted to eliminate meaning from their work while today’s minimalists try to omit unnecessary elements. It might be possible that our work do not carry meanings but in fact, what Touraj Saberivand was after in this project was to give meaning to the signs we see each day. These signs only give us messages and simple warnings about our surroundings but have no deeper meanings. Touraj Saberivand omitted their colors as they didn’t help with the meanings and he only gave them new names. They have new meanings with his new naming. That’s how they become different from the late minimalism.
More works of Touraj Saberivand at www.designvand.com