The ‘Wearing Their Words’ series of illustrations is an ongoing project designed by illustrator Daniel Davidson based in Blackburn, Lancashire, in the UK. Daniel designed these to document creative icons whose words have inspired, excited, encouraged a different perspective, and brought tears of laughter with originality and honesty as standard. The illustrations are created using pen and ink with little else to distract from the portrait, other than the words of the creative icon. This technique is intended to create intrigue, and further engage the viewer to discover more.
The ‘Wearing Their Words’ series is constantly evolving, responding to literature, film, music, poetry, comedy, creative culture and client briefs.
Having recently had his work featured in publications such as the Saatchi Gallery Art and Music Magazine, Art Monthly and Aesthetica, as well as exhibitions at the Grundy Art Gallery (Blackpool) and The Lloyd Gill Gallery (Weston-supermare), Daniel Davidson currently is working on projects ranging from book illustration, record sleeves, t-shirt design, editorial work and commissioned work for clients based throughout Europe.
If you would like to view more of Daniel’s work, visit him at