As we celebrate our 10th anniversary and Jamaica’s 60th year of Independence, the IRPC contest honours women in and of reggae and all other genres of Jamaican popular music. We wish…
Terras Gauda Wineries Invites the International Design Community to participate in the 14th Francisco Mantecón Competition with €16,000 in prizes
Winning artists and finalists in the International Biennial Poster Design Terras Gauda will access a restricted competition with €10,000 in prize money sponsored by the Galician Tourism Agency. The International…
Fantasy – Between Reality and Imagination | Open Call for Photographers
Open Call for the 7th International Photography Festival Artists working with photography, video, performance, and multimedia from around the world and at different stages of their career are all welcome…
Graphic Stories Cyprus Call for Entries for their 3rd International Poster Contest
“Graphic Design, Challenging the Perception” 3rd International Poster Contest by Graphic Stories Cyprus Graphic Stories Cyprus invites all the creative people to take part in the international poster contest titled…
Competition Call for Entries The Poster Prize for Illustration 2019: London Stories
The Association of Illustrators (AOI) in partnership with the London Transport Museum (LTM) invite submissions to the Poster Prize for Illustration to the theme of London Stories. Submissions are free….
Madrid Gráfica 2017 | Call For Posters: The light City / La Ciudad Ligera
DIMAD and Madrid City Council, supported by the Business Forum for Madrid, call on all graphic designers to take part in the first open poster exhibition of the event “Madrid…
Eastreet 4 project | Call for Entries
Join the 4th edition of Eastreet – unique project dedicated to street and documentary photography from the region of Eastern Europe. The Open Call runs from 12 June until 23…
Shut Up Speak Up! Graphic Matters Poster Competitions
This is your chance to take part in Graphic Matters! Show us what you stand for. Design a poster and submit it before July 9, 2017. A professional jury will…
Call for Entries | 5th International Reggae Poster Contest, 2016
The 5th International Reggae Poster Contest, 2016 Theme: Toward a Reggae Hall of Fame: Celebrating Great Jamaican Music. CALL FOR ENTRIES: The 5th edition of the International Reggae Poster Contest…
Work Right! Top 10 Posters
On October 4th in Paris, the live jury took place and PosterForTomorrow announced the Top winning posters! Theme of the contest this year was “Work Right!”. Because… we all have…
Call for Entries: Circle of life – Taiwan International Student Competition, 2014
Circle of life, 2014 Taiwan International Student Competition, 2014 Purpose: Encourage international creative design exchange, develop creative design talents, express the international image of Taiwan attaching great importance to creative…
Call for Entries! “Innovation in Education“ International Poster Exhibition
Invitation to “Innovation in Education“ International Poster Exhibition Innovation is the driver of growth and the key for the sustainable development. To be an innovative society providing continuous education…
2nd International Reggae Poster Contest 2013 | Open for Entries
2nd International Reggae Poster Contest 2013! Theme: Toward a Reggae Hall of Fame: Celebrating Great Jamaican Music. The organizers of the International Reggae Poster Contest (IRPC) are pleased to…
Gender Equality Now | 10 Fantastic Winning Posters
The top 10 best posters on “Gender Equality Now” have been selected and they could not be missed from our poster collection! We can see how creativity grows more…
Industrial Archaeology | Photo Contest by EXAREA
EXAREA project was founded by the “Feudo Ron Alfrè” Cultural Associaton in the town of Bellizzi in province of Salerno in 2010. The initial idea was to organize a…